snesDSSNES roms emulator for Nintendo DS#1 Thanks loopy! ( ) SnesDS is Super Nintendo roms emulator for Nintendo DS. To put it in other word you need this little program to play SNES game on DS. Compatibility is not perfect but games that do work run at full speed with sound! What have do you need? Requirements:
With the first snesDS version you had to flash a snes rom to your gba flash cart and then send the emu via wifi. You had to have a compatible wifi card and use wmb and you could not run the emu off of your flash cart without wifi. When you sent the snesDS emu over wifi to NDS it loaded whatever rom was on your flash cart. Latest version updated to include Gladius sound core and you don't need WiFi anymore (Hooray!) but instead a little dos prompt typing skills. A command like "copy /b snesDS.ds.gba+mario.smc mario.gba" would merge snesDS with the snes mario rom and create mario.gba file that you can write to the flash cart and play! NDS mods: The list of Nintendo WiFiMe compatible Wi-Fi cards. snesDS discussin / help / support
What steps to get this working? Quick & dirty SnesAdvance port. Append a rom to snesDS.ds.gba.
Some games work nicely at full speed and with sound (Super Mario)
Many games load but freeze at some stage in the game (Ex Dracula)
some give you nasty ARM9 errors